Mold Exposure In Dogs – Part 2123


A dog suffering from mycotoxin poisoning is the type of emergency which will need immediate hospitalization and treatment. Your veterinarian will pump the dog’s stomach and, if it is not convulsing, give activated charcoal to absorb the toxic material in the stomach and intestines. Overall prognosis is good if treatment begins soon after ingestion of the fungi.

Living and Management

Watch your dog for recurrence of symptoms and call your veterinarian immediately if tremors, seizures, or any other untoward symptom develops. Most dogs recover within 24 to 48 hours after treatment. However, some animals may recover more slowly and take a few weeks for the symptoms to subside.


In order to prevent your dog from eating raw mushrooms or other moldy food material, you should remove any harmful items from the backyard and safely secure a compost heap, should you have one. It is also helpful to pay attention to your dog when it roams outdoors.

About the author: Joe Fiorilli